Sunday, August 7, 2011

Elmo isn't red

We have a tradition at Sunday evening dinners (besides the breakfast food one) of asking everybody what they learned at church that day.  It gives us an opportunity to discuss and further apply the lessons in our lives.  Well, today, when I got to Abi, she said she learned about Elmo.  "You mean Alma?"  "No, I learned about Elmo.  He isn't red and he's a man."  At this point there was a little confusion at the table among the kids (laughter included).  But I knew what she was talking about and asked her to tell us more.
"He did bad things to the church, then Jesus told him to stop...." 
Can you imagine what must have been going through her mind during the lesson?

"What did ALMA (I emphasized the pronunciation) do next?"  ""  "He became a missionary, right?"  "Yep"

 I love little kids descriptions.  So sweet!
 But if you would like to know the complete story of "Alma the Younger" who is the named after his father, Alma, it's found here.  (And just to let you know up front, it was an angel, not Christ that appeared to Alma and his friends. We'll have to clear that one up with Abi)

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