Thursday, January 20, 2011

playing around

Well, I'm just playing around now with pictures.  My header isn't quite what I envisioned, because I don't have the software that does what I want.  Anyway, you get the general gist. 

We're watching the kids of our friends for a few days.  We came home from church tonight and got them into bed with me laying on the floor, to make sure they stay there.  The littlest was obviously having a difficult time with all the noises going on in the other rooms.  "Someone is eating" she would say but it was Rachel doing the dishes.  It took me awhile to convince her that no one was eating.  "Someone opened the door"  She was obviously concerned that the older kids were walking around and not going to bed.  Then, "the kitty is meowing for me" she says.  Me:  "No she just wants to go outside"  her:  "No she wants me"  me:  "No she wants out"  her:  "But Molly (the dog) will eat her"  me:  "Don't worry they are friends".  This kind of conversation went on with every sound that she heard.  After everything finally quieted down, she fell asleep.  Whew!!

I'm grateful for people who set such great examples for me to follow.

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