Friday, July 15, 2011

Horse Camp

This last week was Esther's turn for camp and she chose horses (my favorite).  She was so excited!  I was a little concerned that she might be too scared but she jumped right in and did a great job.  She learned all about the horse and how to take care of one (now if we only had one).  Joey and the other girls had all taken lessons or gone to horse camp as well.  Being there with Esther just brought back so many good memories.   I have always loved horses ever since I can remember, so it's been wonderful sharing that with my kids.
This is Monte and his friend is Phantom (of the Opera...notice the "mask")
Great job riding bareback.

These boots have now transformed into "cowgirl boots" as Abi puts it.
They played a game of "horse" by throwing a ball to each other.  I thought it was a cleaver way of practicing balance.
I'm one of those strange people that loves barns.  I love the old wood, the views, and even the smells.  Abi and I took some time to explore.


  1. Haha you made Joseph sound like he is a girl

  2. I'm Jacob by the way, I dont have any of the acounts that let you post comment on here so I have to be Anonymous

  3. Hey Jacob! You're right! I started talking about the girls talking about the girls having lessons, then remembered that Joseph had taken them as well. I forgot to take the word "other" out. Ooops! Sorry Joseph!


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